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IT security & infrastructures
Embro GmbH

Modern IT security and network solutions for Embro GmbH

Initial situation

As part of the expansion of production capacities, we first carried out a comprehensive inventory of the IT systems together with Embro, which served as the basis for detailed planning. The subsequent project now includes the implementation of a redundant firewall, a holistic network concept with state-of-the-art switches and the provision of fail-safe server systems that meet future requirements.

Reorganisation of the IT infrastructure

Through careful analysis and planning, we were not only able to understand the existing situation, but also identify Embro's specific requirements. The decisive advantage for Embro is that we not only carried out comprehensive planning, but also completely modernised and redesigned the entire IT infrastructure. For Embro, this means not only increased efficiency and enhanced IT security, but also a future-proof foundation for their expanded operations, including new office and social areas as well as production and warehouse facilities.

Trusting partnership: Embro relies on SIGMA's expertise in forward-looking IT transformation

Embro relies on our expertise, as we communicate reliable and realistic timeframes for the start and completion. This ensures that all systems are ready for use when the new building opens. Our well thought-out holistic concept, certified technicians for firewall, server systems and network solutions as well as first-class partner level conditions make SIGMA IT-Security und Infrastruktur GmbH the ideal choice for this pioneering step into the future.

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About the client

Embro GmbH, with over 40 employees, specialises in technical embroidery and textiles, particularly in the field of functional textiles. As an innovative partner, they embroider conductive threads, strands, wires and heating conductors onto textile substrates using computer-controlled embroidery machines. Together with their customers, they develop customised solutions for industrial applications.

Link: www.embro-tech.com

Embro GmbH
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