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Software / ERP / MES

Collaboration platform Infor Mingle

The solution for internal interaction and communication

As an Infor LN expert, we support you in the implementation of Infor Mingle - a comprehensive platform for collaboration, business process optimization, and context-related analytics.

Infor Mingle is embedded into well-known systems like ERP, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Human Capital Management (HCM) and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). Thus, employees can communicate and cooperate across all corporate departments.

As on Twitter or Facebook, Infor Mingle makes it possible to follow colleagues, equipment, or processes that are relevant for their own work. Information, such as documents, plans / schemes / budgets, photos and videos,is recorded in a centralized manner and later assigned to the appropriate activity. This is necessary to guarantee quick access on demand at any time.

Infor Mingle provides your company with a central platform for smart organization of internal procedures and communication among the involved personnel. For this function, you can connect Infor Mingle with other Infor products, such as Infor LN or Infor IDM without any difficulty; the system provides quick access to different information. Employees can communicate challenges easily and in context.

Cross-linking the Infor products makes it possible to monitor the business processes in the company in everyday operations. The system can generate context-related content as a task or message in an automated manner and distribute it to the employees. Tasks and messages may also include links to drill back to other applications. The user can open the order from the task immediately in Infor LN via the drill-back functionality.

Another feature is the home page as a personalized start page. Employees receive essential data about daily operations and warning messages at a glance through pre-configured or customized widgets. Using the widgets, the user can directly jump to different applications.

Thomas Heinke - Vertriebsleiter