Central phone number
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+49 371 2371-0

Central fax number
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+49 371 2371-150

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+49 371 2371-250

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About our company SIGMA Chemnitz

SIGMA Gesellschaft für Systementwicklung u. Datenverarb. mbH is an IT service provider operating on the market since 1990, which can cover all areas of business software, hardware and automation landscape. Our employees are highly qualified, motivated and can refer to relevant references.

Business areas

RFID forklift

Recognition, Identification, Control - We offer and supply AutoID and RFID solutions for production, logistics and supply chain. You will find an overview of our products, solutions and services on this overview page.

Embedded solutions

From the idea to the success - we offer you solutions and services for Windows Embedded, Embedded Linux and Android. Whether you have your own idea or want to improve your existing applications. We are happy to advise you and find the best solution for you. An overview of references, services and competencies can be found on this overview page.

IT infrastructures products

Hardware and software from a single source - we help you optimize your business processes and create an efficient IT infrastructure. All solutions and services from this business area can be found on this overview page.

ERP system

Solutions for Software, Consulting and Development - Since 1990, we have been offering our customers a broad spectrum of professional services related to information technology, management and organization. You can find an overview of this business area on this overview page.

SAP Business One

Through our subsidiary SIGMA Software and Consulting GmbH, we provide solutions for the SAP mid-market software SAP Business One. You can find all information on the website www.business-one-consulting.de

Shape the digitization!

By combining hardware, software, AutoID and RFID solutions, embedded systems and the appropriate middleware as a data disk your intelligent company is created. We will show you how you can improve your processes and thus exploit the potentials of digitized production, logistics and supply chain.