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Supply chain with RFID technology

Standardized RFID applications help you to start and implement Auto ID / RFID solutions in your production, warehouse or to build efficient supply chains.

Auto ID system solutions in the supply chain enable real-time data flow across plant boundaries. RFID tracking makes the flow of goods in the supply chain transparent and traceable. Planning becomes easier, sources of error for wrong deliveries are eliminated. The cooperation between producer and supplier is simplified.

Supply chain solutions for production and logistics

We offer cross-site and cross-company AutoID and RFID solutions for supply chain processes.

We support suppliers in the implementation of customer requirements to use RFID technologies and to comply with VDA specifications, JIS ( Just in Sequence ) and JIT ( Just in Time ) processes. Thus we integrate you into the processes of your customers. Or integrate your suppliers into your RFID systems.

In addition, we offer comprehensive services for the implementation of RFID solutions within a supply chain, with data exchange between the individual participants, automation and control of the shipping and receiving processes.

Viktor Wagner - Consultant Digitalisierung