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SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH

Reference report: Linux customization for high-quality measuring devices and data loggers

Linux customization for high-quality measuring devices and data loggers

For a large German company that supplies high-quality measurement technology and data loggers as standard solutions or as customized solutions for a wide range of industries, manufactures and distributes, the SIGMA Chemnitz team took over the conversion of the Linux operating system to an up-to-date kernel and standardizing the kernel sources of various devices. In addition, optimizations, driver developments and extensions were carried out.

Technical facts

  • Embedded operation system: Linux Longterm Kernel
  • Processor: TI AM335x & AM437x, Xilinx Z7000

Share of SIGMA Chemnitz

  • Customization of the operating system Linux
The result
The work was realized competently and to the satisfaction of the customer. The cooperation was very pleasant for both sides.
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About the client

SIGMA Gesellschaft für Systementwicklung u. Datenverarb. mbH is an IT service provider operating on the market since 1990, which can comprehensively cover all areas of the  operational software, hardware and automation landscape. All of the approximately 80 employees are highly qualified, motivated and can refer to appropriate references.
The company consists of several business units, including AutoID / RFID solutions;  embedded solutions; IT security and infrastructures; SAP SME solutions and the consulting, software and development division.

Link: www.sigma-chemnitz.de

SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH
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