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Reference report: Linux BSP for CALIPRI Prime, NEXTSENSE GmbH, Graz, Austria

Customisation of the BSP with extensive Linux drivers

No more inaccurately applied gauges or extrapolated profile data: CALIPRI replaces error-prone and inaccurate testing equipment.
Within the framework of a Linux BSP, SIGMA Chemnitz realised adaptations for a Smart Display, NFC connection, camera and WLAN driver developments and optimisations for a profile measurement device for contactless measurement based on the NXP i.MX6 processor.

Technical facts

  • Embedded operation system: Linux 
  • Processor: ARM  NXP i.MX6

Share of SIGMA Chemnitz

  • Customisation of the BSP with extensive Linux drivers
This is what the customer says...
„The collaboration with SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH has been very successful and pleasant for many years. Due to this and the high level of expertise, we have just started a new i.MX8M-based project together.“
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About the client

Nextsense develops and manufactures suitable non-contact measuring devices for a wide range of tasks and industries, all based on the same technology. The globally unique CALIPRI principle is a further development
of laser light cutting technology for non-contact dimension and profile measurement. An innovative technique corrects tilting and twisting of the measuring device. The result: Highly accurate, reproducible and user-independent measurement results - hand-guided and in a matter of seconds.

Link: www.nextsense-worlwide.com

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