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TTI Inc.

Contract announcement TTI

RFID based container tracking in the warehouse

TTI Inc. expands its modern and solid supply chain with an RFID based identification and tracking solution. For the digital tracking of containers with electronic components, TTI has chosen the traceability  solution GRAIDWARE ® from SIGMA Chemnitz.

TTI's continued growth is sustainably supported by the transparency of pallet locations, process times and booking processes in the warehouse receiving process.
The automatic RFID identification at more than 80 reading points, among others at receiving stations and warehouse areas, offers extensive search functions, overviews and information. It thus increases the efficiency of the process, as it enables prompt reactions to deviations and significantly reduces search times.

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About the client

TTI Inc, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is an authorised distributor of fasteners, passive and electromechanical components. The TTI product range, customer-oriented service and the logistics solutions offered make TTI the preferred distributor ( CMP Publications ). Worldwide, TTI employs over 5600 people at more than 100 locations in Europe, America and Asia.

Link: www.ttieurope.com

TTI Inc.
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