RFID system for monitoring the storage and retrieval processes
About the company
Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH is a traditional company based in Freyburg an der Unstrut and Germany's leading producer of sparkling wines and spirits.
Decision for RFID technology from SIGMA
In the course of the further development of the traditional bottle fermentation process, Rotkäppchen-Mumm decided to use the AutoID / RFID technology of SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH. With modern AutoID technology and the RFID middleware GRAIDWARE ® software solution, the storage and retrieval processes in the sparkling wine warehouse are monitored.
About the project
Attaching RFID tags ( UHF ) to the storage containers and the associated creation of an object "box" is the prerequisite for contactless recognition of the containers at the defined reading points.
Starting from the SAP production order at the filling machine, the bottles are married to the employed and identified storage container. All relevant production data such as the number of bottles per container and the filling date are stored at the "box" object. The challenge for this process step is the limited space in the production area.
For the RFID system, this requires complex filtering of the read data to sort out external readings. When the box is transported to its storage location, various RFID gates are passed. After the container is parked, the storage location will be stored at the object.
It is important for the customer to ensure that a certain storage time is observed. This is monitored by the system and automatically checked when the containers are removed from storage. Emptying of containers is also automatically compared with the existing SAP order.
Advantages of the solution
Special apps enable the user to carry out the following functions via RFID handheld devices:
- Identify and process orders
- Execute stock postings and changes
- Display container information
With the integrated download and browser lock for mobile devices, devices comply with the user's security guidelines. Since extensive data is generated and stored in the system, various evaluations were developed using MS Power-BI. After training, the customer is able to develop these evaluations independently in the system. The developed inventory and movement reports provide information about batches, order status and storage locations, among other things.
These reports and statistics are, in addition to storage time monitoring and storage location determination, the great benefit for the user. Manual records can be omitted.

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