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Software / ERP / MES

Web services for SolidWorks ePDM & PTC Windchill

The solution to integrate design data

As an Infor LN specialist, we have repeatedly implemented integrations between the ERP system and leading PDM systems, such as SolidWorks Enterprise PDM or TC WindChill. This task is not new for us: the connection between design and logistics is required frequently. Our web services are also reusable to link additional systems.

It is not uncommon for software solutions to be run in the CAD, PDM, and ERP environment as autonomous applications. When this is done, manual data entry is required when exchanging data between design (product data in CAD and PDM) and business planning (logistics data in ERP). How can this issue be overcome? The solution is to integrate the systems by means of web services, thereby connecting data provided in the PDM and CAD system with the ERP system. This integrated handling makes it possible to exchange data between design (product data eBOM) and business planning (logistics data mBOM).

The item data and parts lists that have already been generated in the design process in the product data management (PDM) are transferred in an automated manner. As a result of this automation, it becomes necessary that most of the master data from the ERP system are synchronized with the PDM system.

The design engineer’s everyday tasks are simplified because they only have to work with their PDM system. Moreover, with our solution, the design engineer can see specific data from the ERP system in PDM in real time mode even without logging in.

Thomas Heinke - Vertriebsleiter