There are multiple reasons why our embedded experts recommend upcycling.
Hardware/operating systems are often considered outdated, even though they are still doing their job. In most cases, such applications have been elaborately developed over many years and in some cases have already been in use for 20 years. They have proven themselves, run stably and are now almost error-free.
In addition, they were often developed at times when quality was the main factor and not only costs determined the development time.

Other current circumstances suggesting upcycling:
- Supply chain problems
- Availability of individual components (delivery times of 1-2 years for individual parts are not uncommon)
- Discontinuation of components at short notice without compatible replacement
- new device generations are often completely redesigned every few years, although only minimal improvements are made
- Costs for components are getting higher and higher - a smart redesign could remedy the situation
- Developments were made in regions or by individuals, where currently barely any documentation or source code is available or where there are justified concerns that development results will not be made available to local customers in the future.
And last but not least: Sustainability! Everyone talks about it, but who really realizes it in the end?
Our embedded team faces this task and already has experience in this area.
Here you can read more about our references regarding upcycling.
We can help with all these problems! The following things can be done:
- Analysis of the problem up to "reverse engineering" des Problems bis hin zum "Reverse-Engineering" because of the missing documentation and/or because of the missing source code)
- Examination of alternatives in case of temporarily or generally unavailable or overpriced components (software and/or hardware)
- Examination of possibilities and expenditure for the alternative components / alternative solution
- if necessary hardware design or modified concept
- find cheaper, deliverable component or solution
- adapt software, integration, test
Are you interested?
We will be happy if you contact us.
Email: matthias.fischer(at)
... or just call us: +49 371 2371-196