Central phone number
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+49 371 2371-0

Central fax number
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+49 371 2371-150

Support hotline
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+49 371 2371-250

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IT security & infrastructures

Our IT support services

Our dedicated IT support team is not only available to help you with technical questions and problems, but also takes over the IT monitoring of your IT systems in order to detect potential problems at an early stage and to be able to act proactively.

In addition, we offer you the option of using us as an IT representative in your company to ensure that your IT systems continue to run smoothly even during the absence of your IT manager.
Rely on our expertise and over 30 years of experience to provide comprehensive IT support and ensure the continuous operation of your IT infrastructure.

Lucas Hübert - Vertrieb IT-Security und Infrastruktur | Standort Chemnitz