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Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

Reference report - Windows WinCE operating system integration for a breath alcohol measuring device

Our customer says so:
"The embedded department of SIGMA Chemnitz has always consulted and supported us competently over many years and many WinCE versions.”
Our embedded services

Operating system integration for a breath alcohol measuring device
 - long-term project to develop images for different WinCE versions (since 2002)

embedded operating system: WinCE
hardware platform: EP9312-IBZ

About the client

Dräger is a family-owned company founded in Lübeck in 1889, which over five generations has developed into a global, listed group. The manufacturer of medical and safety technology products currently employs more than 14,000 people in over 190 countries worldwide. Its products are used by hospitals, firefighters, rescue services, government agencies, mining and industry to save and protect lives worldwide. Dräger has over 65 years of experience in alcohol detection technology.

To the customer website

Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
The product

In 2014 the evident breath alcohol measuring device Alcotest 9510 was introduced to the German market. Thanks to a type approval ( issued by the PTB in Braunschweig ), the Alcotest 9510 can be used by the German police to monitor road traffic for breath alcohol measurements that can be used in court.

The device is in use in thousands of police stations in many countries around the world as an evident ( i.e. court-worthy ) measuring device, completely replacing the blood test. It measures with two independent sensors - an infrared optical and an electrochemical sensor. Due to the redundancy thus created, the results of the measurements cannot be manipulated and are considered to be particularly reliable.

Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA
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