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IT security & infrastructures
Hygiene Oederan Produktionsgesellschaft mbH

Reference report Hygiene Oederan: recovery & backup concept

The challenge

Reliability and high quality standards are among the most important values for the company. In order to be optimally positioned for the future, it was important for the company to adapt its IT infrastructure to current requirements. It was not only necessary to invest in new hardware, but also to use the opportunity of the change to achieve better protection of operations through a backup and recovery concept. Above all, the new IT infrastructure should have laid the foundation for the software to be used in the future in order to ensure the company for the future.

Workshop to increase the IT project security

The recovery and backup concept developed by SIGMA Chemnitz was specified in more detail. In the process, checklists were completed together with the client to create the basis for the installation. The resulting planning document served as a guideline for the installation. Furthermore, the involvement and cooperation of the customer (for example, in the creation of a separate circuit or in the preparation of time and project plans) significantly reduced the project risk in the ongoing IT project.

The implementation of the recovery & backup concept

The old existing IT infrastructure was replaced with new powerful and efficient PRIMERGY servers and a Fujitsu ETERNUS storage system. A Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX200 server and a modern Fujitsu ETERNUS DX100 S3 storage system were used.

The new servers were virtualized with the help of VMware. Thanks to a well thought-out backup strategy, the data can be backed up by using the VEEAM backup software. A corresponding long-term test of the functionality was part of the service of SIGMA Systemhaus Chemnitz as well as the briefing of the responsible IT manager.

This is what our customers say...
"We have found a competent and reliable partner in SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH."
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About the client

Since its foundation in 1993, Hygiene Oederan Produktionsgesellschaft mbH has specialized in the complete range of modern feminine hygiene products and supplies these under its own brands and as a private label supplier to international brand companies.

Link  to the client

Abbildung: HYGIENE Oederan Produktions GmbH

Hygiene Oederan Produktionsgesellschaft mbH
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