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Hamilton Bonaduz AG

Reference report Hamilton - Realization of a customer specific training in the area of Linux Yocto

Our customer says so...
The SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH employee who trained us had a very good specialist knowledge and was always able to give competent answers to all our questions. We are therefore very satisfied with the training / workshop that was adapted for us.
About the workshop

The goal of the customer-specific training was to acquire basic know-how that can be used in the development of medical devices. The main point was the transfer of knowledge and practical know-how about Yocto. The knowledge was imparted in theoretical blocks as well as complemented by practical exercises. The training was carried out on an embedded board of the company Phytec Messtechnik GmbH with NXP i.MX6 processor, in order to create the basics for the later development on a customer-specific board.

About Yocto

The Yocto project is an open source project that focuses on improving the software development process for embedded Linux distributions. The Yocto project provides interoperable tools, metadata and processes that enable fast and repeatable development of Linux-based embedded systems.

About the client

Hamilton Bonaduz AG, founded in Switzerland in 1968, is part of the globally active Hamilton Group, with headquarters in Reno in the USA. The European headquarters for the subsidiaries in Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and Sweden is located in Bonaduz, Switzerland. The company as a whole has been a leading manufacturer of innovative solutions in the fields of medical technology, sensor technology, laboratory automation and warehouse technology for over 60 years.

Link to our customer

Hamilton Bonaduz AG
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