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Tesoma GmbH

New Windows Embedded Compact 7 USB Touchscreen Driver

Windows Embedded Compact 7 USB touch screen driver renewed

SIGMA Chemnitz realized a customer-specific connection of different panel sizes to an existing Beckhoff controller, where problems had occurred.

Technical facts

  • Embedded operating system: Windows Embedded Compact 7
  • Processor: ARM9 Core

Share of SIGMA Chemnitz

  • Embedded operating system: Creation & integration of a driver for two touch panels into an existing external system
This is what the customer says
"In order to improve the HMI on our machines, the use of large touch screens is an important criteria for our customers. However, the connection of these panels to the existing Beckhoff controllers, presented us with major problems. SIGMA was able to provide us with professional support and solved the task in a very short time, also for different panel sizes."
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About the client

Tesoma GmbH was founded in 1993 and started with the development of industrial dryer systems in the textile sector, later also in the graphic and flat glass sector. In the meantime, the company has become a developer and system supplier for the thermal treatment of industrial components. It also offers numerous services in the fields of welding, coloring, mechanical and electrical assembly, commissioning and testing. Furthermore, the company pays attention to quality, the origin of the components, as well as sustainability during production.

Links: www.tesoma.de

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