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IT security & infrastructures
EUBIOS Reha-Fachklinik

Contract announcement EUBIOS - highly available IT infrastructure with storage cluster

The clinic's goal is to improve the resilience of its IT. This will be implemented with the upcoming project. A complex high-availability IT infrastructure is being built, based on two separate server rooms in two fire compartments.

Two fire compartments with data mirroring

The Fujitsu storage systems (ETERNUS DX100) as well as servers, switches and data lines are designed redundantly, so that in the event of component failure or a disaster, the critical IT systems can still be accessed. Thanks to data mirroring, the storage cluster ensures permanent, failure-free high availability of the data. A generously dimensioned uninterruptible power supply is installed as additional security.

This is what our customers say...
"By mirroring our data storage, we will gain a big advantage in terms of fail-safety, which is very important for the operation of our daily clinic routine. The team at SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH provided us with excellent advice here."
About the client

The Reha Fachklinik EUBIOS in Thalheim is a clinic for children and adolescents with a focus on the treatment of speech and language disorders as well as accompanying psychosomatic diseases. Pre-school children from the age of 4 and school children up to the age of 18 are admitted as in-patients for approx. 32 days.

Link to the client

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